Saturday, February 12, 2011

Logo Logo Everywhere!

Hi friends, just make it note that while getting your logo designed, it is important to think carefully about what it will convey to others. Every shape, line and color in a logo will send a message to all who see it. Much has been written on the psychology of color and the effect that shape and imagery can have on viewers. But this prose will discuss the importance of having your logo mean something. I am not implying that each color you choose in a logo needs to represent a company value the way white represents purity in America's red, white and blue flag, but thought should be put into the design to make sure each stroke has a place and that the design helps convey to others what your company does, what you stand for, what you provide and why people should choose you. Eco Green logo designsare also attractive. You wouldn't think the logo designers spent much time on the logo, especially considering that all it comprises is a lowercase sans serif font and a small, arched red line. For example, the Visit Malaysia 2007 campaign logo is eye-catching, but it would be impossible to interpret all the symbolism that the organization claims.

Friday, February 11, 2011

E-Mail Business Rules

When we converse, we expect other people to observe certain rules of behavior. The same is true for e-mail, the most popular form of online communication. Here are a few pointers to help you communicate more effectively.This is particularly true at work. These days everyone receives too much e-mail. Unnecessary messages are annoying. If only a few people really need to receive your message, only direct it to them. Similarly, when responding to e-mail, do not respond to all recipients. By choosing Reply to All or a similar button when responding to a message, you may end up broadcasting your response to your entire company. Use BCCs (Blind Carbon Copies) when addressing a message to a group of people who don't necessarily know each other. Just as it's not polite to give out a person's telephone number without his or her knowledge, it's not polite to broadcast everyone's e-mail address. For instance, when you send a message to 30 people and use the To or CC fields to address the message, all 30 people see each other's address. By using BCC, each recipient sees only to theirs and yours. The same applies for sending an email newsletter. Just follow the rules. More on next post.

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