Thursday, February 4, 2010

Feel better for what you have!

Many of us are probably guilty of these. We keep the clothes that we no longer wear, bags that we no longer carry, shoes that we have long forgotten, toys that our children have outgrown, books and magazines that we no longer read, electronic gadgets that we no longer fancy, freebies that we do not need.

Imagine the space we could free up if we would just move them to where they belong. Even if we do not need the extra space, we would certainly feel better and more organized with less clutter around. So rather than leaving them to collect dust and having to spend time cleaning and arranging them, why not do something meaningful? Give them away, donate them, sell them or do a trade-in.

Do you sometimes buy more than you need, eat and spend more than necessary? and... guess what? You have no choice but to work harder to keep up with your lifestyle. Do you go for the latest gadget when the one you have is still serving you well? Do you choose bigger house and car when you can make do without the extra space or power?

To live with less, one needs to be disciplined. Resist impulse buying. Always ask if you really need the stuff. Can you do without it? Will you use it often? Also, even if things are offered for free, do not keep them if you have no use for them. You can help play a part to save our ailing earth.

Instead of pursuing material possessions that bring only temporary comfort and joy, why not spend the time to seek happiness in life's simple pleasures. When you take your focus away from material things, do not be surprised if your sight, hearing, taste buds and even your sense of appreciation of nature and beauty would sharpen tremendously. When you live with less, you will have more time with your loved ones, to do the things you enjoy and to help others. Try to be satisfied with what you have.

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