Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Earth Day!

With respect to vehicle cost, added is the fuel cost too. I am planning to contribute towards the Earth Day! I was unable to get an accurate handle on the effect that the use of hydrogen fuel cells has on the price due to the fact that the purchase costs of the hydrogen vehicles clearly included development and infrastructure capital costs that have been extremely diluted for the diesel ICE bus. However, it can be said that the price of the fuel cell stacks is quite noticeable at $268/kW. For a standard 70 kW passenger car, this adds up to a cost of $18,760, which is very significant. 100 years from now, this is projected to have changed, as by 2020 the price of the fuel stacks is projected to have dropped to around $38/kW, corresponding to an engine cost of $2,660, which is much more reasonable. However, there are problems on the horizon with respect to the platinum reserves. If hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were to become the primary source of transportation for the entire world, the demand on the platinum reserves would exceed the supply. Fortunately, there has been progress with respect to the catalyst. Additionally, I always go through Fuel Doctor News and Reviews on a daily basis. Quantum Sphere corp developed a nano-metal electrode formulation that drastically increases electrolysis efficiency, and considering that fuel cells are just the reverse of electrolysis, it is, in my opinion, very likely that we will manage a way to catalyze the reaction efficiently without the use of significant amounts of platinum. Save Fuel, save your country!

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