Friday, May 14, 2010

How to be a manager?

Nowadays, the need for good managers is intensifying. With flatter organizations and self-directed teams becoming common, with personal computers and networks making information available to more people more quickly, the need for managers seem to be vanishing. On the other end, the need for good managers, people who can manage themselves and others in a high stress environment, is increasing. I believe anyone can be a good manager. It is as much skill as it is the inherent ability one possess as much science as art.

Following are my views on how a manager should be at work:

  • Should be consistent in his activities, but not rigid.
  • Should be dependable on the team members but also be able to change his/her mind.
  • Should make decisions, but also accept input from others easily.
  • Should be a little crazy. Should think out-of-the box.
  • Should give innovative ideas and should strive towards achieving it. If it fails, he must admit the mistake.
  • Should Plan and regularize the work effectively.
  • Should be in a position to change the derived plans and act quickly.
  • Above all, he should see the given information as a tool and not as power to be hoarded.

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