Sunday, September 5, 2010

PISCES Horoscope ~ September 2010

Jupiter, the good fortune planet, had abandoned you temporarily in June, but he’ll be back in Pisces as of September 9. No one will be happier than you to hear this! Jupiter will stay at your side until January 22, 2011, lighting the path to good fortune and radiant health. You are the celestial favorite again, and as such, will have enormous protection. Start thinking of a risk you’d like to take, or a seed you’d like to plant.

Relationships are never easy, but this month you may have a chance to mend a fence or make a new commitment with someone who has gained your trust. The new moon due September 8 will help you create stronger, closer, and more stable bonds with someone important to you, either personally or professionally. Keep in mind, though, that Mercury will be retrograde in your relationship sector until September 12. Don’t make any decisions or agreements that will be etched in stone until after this date.

Still, not all relationships this month will be sweetness and light – in fact, one might prove to be downright troublesome. Uranus in Pisces will go on a rampage against the Sun on September 21, a day you will likely have your hands full with a difficult person. Try not to schedule a big talk or meeting for this day, for few if any things will go right!

In a month when the jarring days will come side-by-side the sterling ways, you may feel buffeted by the universe, not knowing what to expect from one day to the next.

Rest easy, though, for a day when everything should go right will be September 18, thanks to Uranus, planet of surprise, which will be conjunct Jupiter, planet of good fortune – both are in Pisces. It’s likely to be your best day of the month, and one of your favorites of the year, and whatever occurs will come straight out of the blue! You may start to see how special this day will be as early as September 16 or 17.

Financially, money has been coming in at a steady pace, but alas, has been going out just as fast. This trend continues now, too. You’ll get good news about finances on the September 23 full moon because Jupiter will be close. However, Saturn will oppose that moon, and with his hand outstretched he will seem to say, “Isn’t that money owed to someone? Just hand it over please.” There seems no way to avoid paying up, for one week later, by September 30 when Saturn will meet with the Sun, your payment will be due. Knowing this, you may be able to start to prepare for this obligation early in the month. Money won’t be as big a focus after this month is over. As a matter of fact, financial tensions will decline somewhat after Mars leaves Libra and your house of credit on September 14.

On a happier note, it looks like you have a major trip coming up in October – start buying guidebooks and musing about your options now. One good day to browse a bookstore would be on September 9 when you’ll be inspired with ideas. (Wait to book things until AFTER September 12).

Romantically, your best, most romantic day will come early, on Saturday, September 4, when Venus will dance with Neptune across an azure sky studded with diamonds. It’s due to be a magical night! With Pluto going direct on September 14, you’ll find friends to be more available, and, bless their hearts, quite caring about looking after you!

Your best romantic evening will occur on September 4, thanks to Venus in lovely sync with Neptune. Also, Travel is coming soon. So start dreaming with a purpose on September 9. Without dreams, there is no chance for a poetic reality later. Cheer up – your high expenses will simmer down quite a bit after Mars leaves your financial sector September 14. While you will still have to watch financial flow, you won’t have such a hard time.

Friends will be more helpful to you after Pluto turns direct on September 14. Mars in Scorpio after September 14 (until October 28) will be a wonderful boost of support and energy. Travel, study, and projects in the media all will dazzle for you.

Your luckiest day of the month – and possibly of the year – will be when Jupiter (luck) combines forces with Uranus (surprise) on September 18. This is a day when even the most extreme wishes can come true! You may have to deal with a difficult partner on September 21, when the Sun opposes Uranus. Money comes in (thanks to Jupiter) and goes out, too (blame Saturn). Be glad you will have the money to cover bills. Money will delight you at the full moon, September 23, but seems to have been spoken for the minute it arrives. A major financial obligation seems hard to pay but will be due September 30.

Best days for love: September 3, 4, 11-12, 18-19, and 26.

* Are you looking for a detailed report of your zodiac sign? Just leave a comment!

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