Saturday, December 3, 2011

Business Web Directory

Friends, it’s been few months into blogging. Though I tend to write one post a month, I definitely know that it’s not up to the mark. Just that I got little busy with my work leaving no time to write up.  The happiest thing is that I have moved into a new project and to a team I wanted. Updating my blog was my inner voice all these days.
I eventually failed to notice my blog’s popularity over the web and its ranking and stuffs. The PR, the site traffic and the other rankings have invariantly gone down. I just surf the web the whole day today as to how to improvise my ranking and the other stuffs. Directory Submission seemed to be the top on list in order to get your site indexed. In that way, I am now ready to register my blog with some popular business listing and get listed with them. The first thing I got impressed with Jasmine web directory is that they provide the thumbnails of your site. As you might know, pictorial representation of anything would attract more people. Secondly, the search engine optimization. It is always better to be in the top of any list. Everyone of us are looking for SEO. Aren’t we? Jasmine business listing provides support for W3 css and HTML and promises us, the site owners that they are 100% SEO friendly.  As a extra feature, they also have 5 deep URL’s of our site listed. Hope to get good solutions from them.
The other things that are important for a blog to be well maintained include: Link building, Blog commenting, content writing and the traffic. The traffic will be generated only when a site is linked and listed with good web directories. So work on with the steps to get listed. Happy Blogging!

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