Saturday, December 15, 2007

Spending Time In An Unusual Way!

This time, holidays are going smoothly with me doing no work. But this time, am doing unusual things which I never used to before. I generally get up at around 6.45 in the morning obeying my dad's words. But, this time allows he me to sleep till 8 (am puzzled). So, an hour's sleep extra (he he...). Am going to my dad's office at least thrice a week, sitting for hours and learning something which i never used to do before. Am writing some more blogs this month (you can see to my Archives). Then, almost a whole day in google chat, orkut and so on... Ippadium yedho holidays poindurku...


  Flipkart, founded by the Bansals in 2007 is now being headed by Kalyan Krishnamurthy since 2016. A Billion dollar firm with more than 70 m...